Heartfelt Counseling

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Intellectual Chemistry is Important!

Make a list of the attributes you desire in a partner. How far did you get before you wrote down “intellectual chemistry”? Of course, there is no single trait that automatically trumps the rest. But being on the same mental wavelength can feel magical. It contributes to healthy communication. You have such wonderful conversations. And you’re able to be comfortable with silence when it feels right for both of you. 

Again, it is never about one characteristic. Intellectual chemistry without physical attraction sets you up with a possible best friend. With emotional compatibility, you have a very interesting acquaintance. But a romantic relationship without intellectual chemistry will have clear limits. 

Signs of Intellectual Chemistry in a Relationship 

Amazing Conversations on a Regular Basis

You always have something to talk about. In fact, if you’re not careful, you’ll get nothing done except talk! The questions and topics get deeper. Nothing feels forced or superficial and you both see the world from new and ever-evolving angles. 

Disagreement Is Welcome

There’s no cancel culture happening here. You never have to hide an opinion and you’re open to having it challenged. In fact, when your partner sees things differently, you are curious to learn why and how. And, as a result…

You’re Constantly Learning Something New

Each of us has different viewpoints and interests. This allows for so much learning! You challenge each other, teach each other, and create space for each other to try new perspectives. Even when you know you may face a disagreement, you look forward to hearing their point of view. 

Your Interactions Energize You

Conversations of this type don’t drain you and never bore you. After talking, you often or usually feel more energy. Being intellectually compatible is fun and exciting.

You look forward to where the next discussion may unexpectedly go. Part of this dynamic is because intellectual chemistry encompasses sharing a compatible sense of humor. It’s quite bonding (and sexy) when you and your partner find the same things to be funny. 

You Feel Like Peers

Even if your scope of knowledge is different, it is crystal clear that you are both on the same level. You are peers. When you talk, you can make arcane references without having to explain them. Your vocabulary improves because neither of you uses mundane words. 

Why Is Intellectual Chemistry Important?

After reading the list above, you may feel you have the answer. But, believe it or not, it goes even deeper. All forms of chemistry are important when connecting for a committed relationship. Your intellectual compatibility, however, is a crucial avenue for communication. 

Every couple hits rough patches. Learning how to navigate them is a valuable skill that’s made a little easier when you have a strong foundation in communication. Intellectual chemistry is fun, stimulating, and, yes… hot. But it is also a practical tool for conflict resolution and radical honesty. 

Puts the “R” and “E” in A.R.E.

What am I talking about now? The other thing that intellectual chemistry can enhance is what every relationship needs: Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement. I wrote about what every person in a relationship wants: A.R.E. This stands for:

Accessible: Can you look up from your phone when I walk in the room?

Responsive: Can you talk to me like you’re talking to me, or are you saying things from “mental checklist” of what spouses are “supposed” to say?

Engaged: Is what I’m saying to you important because I’m important to you?

When you have intellectual chemistry, it’s a lot easier to be responsive and engaged because there’s an inherent draw for you to ask questions and be curious. Intellectual chemistry potentiates the responsiveness and engagement because you naturally crave more of that responsiveness and engagement.

Can Intellectual Chemistry Be Created?

Yes, but not always. If you feel you lack the attributes described in this post, it can be very useful to connect with a couples counselor. In a therapy setting, you can talk openly and explore your relationship dynamics. You see, some people are intellectually compatible without realizing it. This is because underlying emotional issues get in the way. Working with a skilled and unbiased guide empowers you to identify such patterns and make the necessary changes.

So, before you lament not having the connection you crave, you may just have to do some hard work to make it happen. Before you assume all is lost, let’s talk. I’d love to connect for a free consultation and learn more about you, your partner, and your intellectual styles.  

 If you want to learn more about how I think of couples counseling, stop by my marriage and couples counseling page. If you are in Minnesota and want to learn skills to reach these types of goals, let’s talk soon. I’m in Edina and serve the greater Minneapolis area. You can reach me by phone: 612-230-7171 or email through my contact page. Or you can click on the button below and self-schedule a time to talk by phone or video.