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Vulnerability Is Not Optional In Marriage

Vulnerability is a powerful and essential aspect of marriage. Vulnerability is often seen as a sign of weakness in our society, but in marriage, it is a source of strength that fosters intimacy, trust, and emotional connection. It is a key ingredient for a healthy and fulfilling marital relationship, and plays a crucial role in building a strong foundation for long-lasting, meaningful partnerships.

Defining Vulnerability

It is the willingness to open oneself up emotionally, to share fears, insecurities, and weaknesses with a partner. Vulnerability is opening up oneself while knowing that it may not be received the way you want it to. Brenee Brown has a classic Ted Talk on vulnerability.

What Vulnerability Brings To Relationships


One of the key roles of vulnerability in marriage is that it fosters intimacy. Intimacy is not just about physical closeness, but also emotional closeness. Vulerability tells your partner that “they matter,” creating a deep sense of connection and closeness. When partners are vulnerable with each other, they are able to communicate at a deeper level, expressing their hopes, fears, dreams, and insecurities. This level of emotional intimacy promotes a sense of understanding, empathy, and compassion towards each other, which strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

It Creates Trust

Vulnerability also builds trust in a marriage. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and vulnerability is a key factor in building trust between partners. When one partner is vulnerable, it creates a safe space for the other partner to also be vulnerable in return. It allows partners to be authentic and genuine with each other, without fear of judgment or rejection. Trust is built on honesty and transparency, and vulnerability promotes an open and honest environment where partners can share their true selves. Trust is crucial in marriage, as it creates a sense of security and reliability, and fosters a deep sense of emotional connection and intimacy.

Fosters Understanding

In addition, vulnerability promotes empathy and understanding in a marriage. When partners are vulnerable with each other, it allows them to truly understand and empathize with each other's emotions and experiences. It creates a sense of shared vulnerability, where both partners can support and validate each other's feelings. This level of understanding and empathy helps to create a strong emotional connection and builds a solid foundation for a supportive and caring relationship. It allows partners to be there for each other in both good times and bad times, and creates a sense of emotional safety within the marriage.

Makes You Grow (Up)

Furthermore, vulnerability encourages growth and personal development in a marriage. It takes courage to be vulnerable and share one's fears, insecurities, and weaknesses with a partner. However, it is through vulnerability that partners can learn and grow together. By being open and honest about their thoughts and feelings, partners can support each other in their personal growth journeys. They can offer encouragement, feedback, and guidance to help each other overcome challenges and become better versions of themselves. Vulnerability promotes a culture of continuous improvement and growth within the marriage, where partners can support each other's personal development and become stronger individuals and a stronger couple.

It's important to note that vulnerability in marriage should be practiced in a healthy and safe manner. It requires trust and mutual respect between partners. Both partners need to feel safe and supported in expressing their vulnerabilities, and there should be no judgment or criticism. It's crucial to create an environment where both partners feel comfortable being open and honest about their thoughts and feelings without fear of negative repercussions. Sometimes you can have an underlying emotional pattern that is hijacking your relationship. When this emotional cycle is present, it can keep you from creating the safety that vulnerability thrives in.

Vulnerability is essential in marriage. It fosters intimacy, builds trust, promotes empathy and understanding, and encourages growth and personal development. It requires courage and openness to share one's fears, insecurities, and weaknesses with a partner, but it is through vulnerability that deep emotional connections are formed, and a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling marital relationship is built. It is a powerful and essential aspect of marriage that allows partners to truly understand, support, and connect with each other on a deeper level.

If you want to know more about how I think of couples, go to my marriage counseling page. If you are needing help and are in Minnesota, I’m in Edina and serve the greater Minneapolis area. You can reach me by phone: 612-230-7171 or email through my contact page. Or you can click on the button below and self-schedule a time to talk by phone or video.