In relationships, however, the emotional stakes are much higher. It can feel hurtful to your partner if you even hint at feeling bored. . . .But to not admit it — and thus, not talk about it — only increases that risk.
Stop Dropping Truth (Bombs)
Yes, honesty is a powerful way to build trust. And when you can do it without anger, and really own your emotions, it’s a powerful transformative experience. And when you can do it without anger, and really own your emotions, it’s a powerful transformative experience. But when it’s wrapped up with anger and fighting, it can be a relationship killer.
Social Media: Artificial Intimacy
Stop Dating Limbo: When and How to Define Your Relationship
Is My Relationship Worth Saving?
Trust Issues May Be Affecting Your Relationship
When Fighting Doesn't Work Anymore. . . Own It.
Help Your Partner Hear What You Need
Why Inflexibility Is a Problem For Couples
Apologies: The One Superpower I Want Everyone To Have
3 Common Issues That Impact Trust
#2. . .Deception of Any Kind
I like to re-frame this as betrayal. There are countless areas where transparency is required. Finances, co-parenting, dealing with in-laws, and sex. If you are not actively lying, but are omitting information because you don’t want your spouse to find out, that’s called a “lie of omission.”
What to Do When Your Partner is Never in the Mood
What Causes Someone to Lose Interest in Sex?
We’ve already touched on a handful of possible answers. Other more specific reasons could be:
Underlying emotional problems that make intimacy less appealing
Getting intimacy elsewhere, e.g. physical or emotional affairs, pornography, sexting, etc.
Body image issues
Sexual dysfunction
Questions about one’s sexuality
Are You Evaluating (Judging) Your Partner?
This can cause you to silently evaluate them and behave in a certain way toward them. For example:
Comparing them to others—especially past partners or anyone you may find attractive.
Trying to change them to fit into your expectations and preferences.
Trying to control them in small, subtle ways.
Criticizing them for simply being them.
Losing patience.
Listening, but only to confirm what you already think.
Over-analyzing and pick apart what they do and say.
Engaging with less empathy, acceptance, and open-mindedness.