Marriage Counseling

Does Your Spouse Have A Disorganized Attachment Style?

How would you feel if you crave closeness but your partner tells you they need more space? This may sound ominous but it’s not necessarily a sign of problems. More likely, you have some attachment style differences to navigate. You see, there’s a whole lot more to relationships than love at first sight and happily ever after. No one writes fairy tales about attachment issues but they should. It would save a lot of us a whole lot of stress. 

How Common Is Infidelity?

How do you keep track of something that people will go to extremes to hide? Sure, there is research on infidelity. Esther Perel in her book “State of Affairs” states: Because there is no universally agreed-upon definition of what constitutes infidelity, estimates of its prevalence among American couples vary widely, ranging from 26 to 70 percent for women and from 33 to 75 percent for men.

How To Listen To Your Partner's Insecurities

They may need constant reassurance, be very controlling, or behave in a manner that is over-sensitive. Perhaps worst of all, you get a sense that they don’t trust you. You didn’t ask for it but the onus is mostly on you to bring this topic to the forefront. Obviously, such a conversation must happen face-to-face. But what else can you do to make the discussion productive and helpful? 

How To Talk To Your Spouse About Jealousy

Like all emotions, jealousy is normal and basically inevitable in small doses. If handled productively, jealousy can lead to positive outcomes for you and your partner. However, far more often, jealousy is rooted in past issues and can cause a wide range of issues. This is why it is so critical that couples talk openly and honestly about their feelings.

Stand Up To Your Partner With Love

That steady work can be summed up as “participation.” You may have heard about the importance of listening and not fixing things. But here’s another, equally difficult thing to do: stand up to your partner with love. This means that when things aren’t right for you, you say something. It means when you want to order Thai food and not pizza, you say it. It means when you feel there’s been unfairness and you need something different, you say it. While remembering that this is a person you love.

Managing Holidays With Your In-Laws (When You Don't Get Along)

This is a time to communicate your needs before things get dicey. It’s important to start he process when it’s calm for the same reason people prepare an evacuation plan before there’s a fire. When you’re both calm, the conversation is more likely to be constructive. If you have concerns and anxieties about a holiday gathering, do not keep them to yourself.

Talk About Your Deal Breakers

In your relationship, the words,“We need to talk” can provoke anxiety. Yet, they are vital to every relationship. Pushing down feelings and brushing aside uncomfortable thoughts are almost a Minnesota tradition. But doing so can build resentment and leave you feeling disconnected and alone. So taking relationship dealbreakers head-on is essential to relationship health.